ChristmasCam (usually LivingroomCam) | |
![]() Kitchen |
![]() Living Room |
A camera in our living room and kitchen, a capture board, a DSL connection, a little software and what do you get? A family's home on the Web! Welcome to our living room. We are usually around in the evening (Pacific Standard Time). Send us email and enjoy relaxing at our house. A pictorial description of how the hardware is put together is on the How It Is Done page. I've started leaving a light on at night so the people on the other side of the planet have something to look at besides black. I also collect one image an hour for the last 24 hours . Our web-enabled music system (using the AudioTron from TurtleBeach ) shows what's now playing in the livingroom:
Our living room has been Christmas Cam for a bunch of years. You can check out:
If you don't believe in Santa Claus, in 1995 we caught Santa Claus putting presents around the tree and drinking the milk left out for him (RealMedia video). We didn't ever catch him again -- we think you can only fool the Santa guy once.
December 24, 2005
With everything else to do, it doesn’t look like I’ll get the tree view camera running this year. Sorry about that. Comments(3)
December 24, 2005
We’ll be doing the usual Christmas Eve/Day routine. First Wagilia here
at sundown then off to grandma’s for extended family Christmas
celebrations. Christmas morning, my family and all my children and
families will be here for the big present unwrapping. Hope you stop by.
Merry Christmas. Comments(0)
December 19, 2005
The ornaments were found and put on the tree. Boxes have returned to
the garage and present wrapping is in full swing. Lights are up
everywhere. The excitement is building — Christmas is almost here. Comments(3)
December 18, 2005
The tree is finally here and the lights are on it. I can’t find the
ornaments, though. There must be another box in the garage somewhere. Comments(3)
December 15, 2005
Looks like we’re going to get the tree Saturday morning. Finally.
Decorations will probably go up in the evening PST. Stop by and put on
an ornament. Comments(2)
December 12, 2005
I know it is a scandal that
does not have a tree yet.
The lady of the house has been gone the last two weekends
(running a half-marathon and an ultra-marathon)
and we need to go to a special place to get a blue spruce tree.
That’s so the cats won’t climb it.
I’m hoping to get the tree up this week, so don’t give up on us. Comments(1)
December 3, 2005
I’m sitting here in front of the fire enjoying Christmas music. It
doesn’t get much better than this. Merry Christmas all!!! Comments(2)
November 30, 2005
Time to change the site to ChristmasCam! It will take a week or two to
get the tree (not really sure when, yet). The “view from the Christmas
tree” is from last year — that will get updated when we have a tree.
Merry Christmas to all. Comments(2)
November 24, 2005
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. No matter where you are, there are
thinks to give thanks for. I hope you can spend the day with friends
and/or family and make connections with those you love. Comments(2)
November 14, 2005
We don’t normally have Thanksgiving at our house — Grandma prefers all
her family around her in my great-granmother’s house — but we’ll be
having another dinner with my family here the Friday or Saturday after.
Be sure to stop by and celebrate an extra Thanksgiving. Comments(0)
NOTE TO THE CRIMINALLY INCLINED: our house has an alarm (door and window sensors and motion detectors) and we live in a small town whose cops actually show up in five minutes. So, save us both a lot of trouble, and don't even bother.
YM: MisterBlue |
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Pointers to some camera technology:
Friends links -- people I've met on the web.
If you are a Webcam-aholic, here are other Cam pages (list updated February 7, 2003) :